Terms and conditions of use

Ongineering is the first secure online freelance engineers community (platform) to ensure users' rights, help engineers find projects according to their specializations, and help entrepreneurs find expert engineers to carry out their projects. To this end, we request that our valued users comply with and understand the following conditions. If you do not agree to any of the following conditions, please do not use the Ongineering site and do not create an account with it. By using the Ongineering website, you agree to these terms in full.


The information added by the user is correct

The user is obligated to make all information that he adds to his Ongineering account completely correct, and the user is fully responsible for any false information he adds.


Do not create more than one account

The user is required not to create more than one account in Ongineering, and if they have a problem with their first account, they should continue with an independent team to resolve the issue.


User age is older than 18

The user of the Ongineering site undertakes to be over 18 years of age and Ongineering may request documentation to prove this if necessary.


Work with content

Ongineering may -without the obligation of the site- delete or hide offers or projects that violate the Site's terms or that cause harm to the Site or its users and without the user's return.


Username and Personal brief

A user is required to write their real name in their profile, and a user name must be a meaningful name, not just symbols or numbers, and prevent the use of any hate names, violence, or any of the trademarks as the user's name.


He is also committed to putting his real personal image and not putting another person's picture in his or her account. A profile must briefly express the user, skills and competencies, and no external communication or promotional terms are allowed for other projects.


Ongineering Commission

The Ongineering platform Commission is debited by the engineer, not the project owner, and Ongineering is not entitled to ask the project owner to pay the Ongineering Commission, so the engineer must submit his final offer immediately after taking into account Ongineering Commission, which will be deducted from the amount he put on the offer. and the the website commsision is only 15% of the total project or service fee.

Please also note that the site receives the cost in Egyptian pounds equivalent to the Dollar rate at the time of the project's establishment, and therefore the cost is also transferred to the engineer in Egyptian Pounds.


Refund of money shipped via Ongineering

The balance is returned by the project owner requesting technical support to recover its money.

The return process is subject to several conditions, including:

If payment is not available refund option we cannot do this in Ongineering. Generally, credits are available to be repaid by the same payment method if this is possible within a maximum of 6 months from the date of shipment.

If the payment method provides for a return within a specified period, we are bound by that period.

Therefore, please ensure that you are sure of the payment method conditions you use prior to payment and then continue with your support team at Ongineering.

Copyright and intellectual property

The project owner owns all intellectual property rights and copyright to projects received through Ongineering by default. The engineer is not entitled to impose additional rights on the project after the project has been started or handed over.


Stop accounts

Ongineering will suspend the account of any user suspected of being suspicious, and the site may request personal documentation about the user who proves their identity to reactivate the account, and documents may be requested to verify that they own a PayPal account or credit card.

Ongineering may permanently block accounts that violate the Site's Terms or that cause harm to the Site or its Users and without the user's return or alert

Ongineering may block accounts if a stolen or non-user payment is used.

The user plays the role of mediator in the project, receiving a project and then hiring someone else to work on it outside or inside the Ongineering platform, in which case the account is compromised and the user is required to pay any amounts due at the technical support estimate.

If a user attempts to fraud a full job of the messages before hiring, the Ongineering team will stop the account.

Ongineering may stop the account of any user who communicates with the project owner outside the Ongineering platform unnecessarily.

Ongineering may prohibit accounts in the event that the separate engineer does not follow up on the project after the project has been started without a substantial reason and the project owner's time has been lost.

Ongineering may suspend accounts if the stand-alone engineer does business that is not his business owner.

When a sale of any account is detected that is immediately stopped with its balance and cannot be used by any party.

Ongineering staff will stop a user's account if they post fictitious or spam projects.

User interactions and rights preservation

Ongineering's website guarantees the rights of both parties in case they comply with the terms and if the agreement between them is clear from the beginning.

Your participation in any private, bank or other personal data with users is at your own risk, and this is not related to any payments made on the Platform, this is 100% secured and is not a data sharing.

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