Kareem Hesham Ali

مهندس تصميم انشائي

خبرة 5 عام

105 Tahrir st ,Egypt

عدد ساعات العمل الاسبوعية 40 ساعة

أجر الساعة : 15$

نبذه عن المهندس

Expecting a challenging and dynamic career in civil engineering where I can apply my
knowledge and skill development, I am civil engineer with 4 years’ experience, I have ability
to design different types of projects, Residential, administrative building, educational projects
in different engineering firms, consultancy and contracting (Reviewing Design).


  • التصميم الإنشائي
  • BIM & Revit Modeling
  • رسومات الورشة الانشائية
  • اتوكاد
  • حصر الكميات
  • الحصر/ المناقصات
  • الرسم الهندسى
  • اعداد نموذج الهيكل المعدنى




| 4 years

EL-Mansour Dev. | Structural Design & BIM Engineer  Prepare schematic drawing for coordination with Arch, Mech. and other disciplines.  Prepare Safe, Etabs model.  Prepare detailed structure drawing, details and calculation sheet.  Prepare Revit Model for coordination with other disciplines. 2020/10/01 - حتي الآن



سابقة الأعمال