mostafa abdo

software testing

خبرة 9+ عام


عدد ساعات العمل الاسبوعية 40 ساعة

أجر الساعة : 10$

نبذه عن المهندس

Software Quality Engineer at CNS, out sourced to Abu Dhabi Municipality with experience
in web testing, Mobile applications testing and Business Intelligence testing using Microsoft
SQL technologies, embedded systems testing and .NET applications testing, little experience
with Automation using Robot Framework and various testing tools. Areas of expertise
include test case development, system testing, bugs tracking and resolving, evaluating test
results, error classification and reporting, supporting the developer with error analysis, root
cause and test case execution, and database testing. Holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science from
Future Academy, 2008, and a Software development Diploma from Information and
Technology Institute, 2012


  • إختبار المواقع الاليكترونية
  • إختبار التطبيقات




| 7 years of software testing


post graduate diploma

سجل المشاريع